Why Birds Bite
Why Birds Bite Birds bite. Understanding why birds bite, is the first step to stop biting. A close encounter with a bird's beak at some point, is the one thing I can usually guarantee a bird's owner. That and a close encounter with bird poop. They are the two things a bird owner should expect. That's the bad news. The good news is, biting for the most part is controllable and you can poop train a bird. This article isn't about poop though. The first step to avoiding a bite is understanding why a bird is going to bite. The obvious answer is that a bird is going to bite to defend themselves . They will bite out of fear. A beak is a defensive weapon for a bird and I think most of us would expect a wild bird to bite us rather than act tame. Especially if the bird is in pain or afraid you are a predator. Bites Are Often Defensive I think this is the crux of the reason why so many owners struggle with their pet bir...